Resolutions for 2007:
- stop being late for everything
- be less lazy
- cut down on Internet addiction
- be a good girl wherever possible
- be reliable - deeds not words - do what I say I'll do
- keep a clean, uncluttered living space
- keep a blog (which I need to somehow make possible without contravening the anit-Internet resolution)
- get fitter. Stay fitter.
- Read more books more often.
- Swear less.
What's on the cards for 2007?
- A year off between finishing high school and starting uni
- Earning (and saving) lots and lots of moneeeyyyy
- Prepare for and audition for Top Class
- try to get lots of experience in theatres and studios
- write as much as possible
- Life. Be in it!
- go to New Zealand; audition for uni; GET IN!
- move to New Zealand
What is this blog for?
Who knows; who cares? Here's hoping it evolves into something worth reading - for me, (later in life) at the very least!
The blog is mine; I'll write whatever I want. I have no readers anyway. Thoughts and feelings it is, then. Not much social commentary here; I'm pitifully ignorant.
I often ask offbeat (and more normal) questions and get no answers. Or get many answers. Perhaps I should write down my questions every day on the off chance that someone stumbles across my blog and has some answers for me. And it will be nice to be able to gradually fill in answers to my questions as time goes by...
SO. The questions that I can remember asking today:
Why is it that when sex is depicted in film and TV and music, only the women cry out and moan loudly? Why don't the men ever groan etc too? Does this trend apply to real life too? If so, is life reflecting the media (eg. men feel too self-conscious to be very vocal during sex because they haven't been exposed to images of it, making it seem normal) or is the media reflecting real life?
Do other people frequently have imaginary conversations in their heads throughout the day or is it just me? Do other people replay scenarios over in their heads with different endings, many, many times? Do other people accidentally pull faces as the result of their imaginary scenarios/conversations?
Why is the 69 position so well-known and present in pop-culture? Surely I'm not the only who finds that it's a disappointment every time.
Loads of people love to talk about their dreams - myself included - but is there anyone at all who cares to listen to other people talking about there dreams?
That will do for today.